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Congratulations to our 2022 Award winners!

Nick Williams

Dan Roselli Community Organizer


This award honors the person who has helped build the FinTech community in Charlotte.

Thank you to our event sponsors

Best Change Champion


This award honors the person or company that has really tried to drive drastic change in the industry. Their ideas or actions have pushed the rest of us to be and do better.

Dontá Wilson


Jinna Kim

Risk Taker / Fail Fast


So often, risk-taking is only rewarded when it is successful. It's time we honored those who dared to be different. This award honors the person or company who was willing to take the risk on a new idea.


Helsa Chow

Best Innovation / Pilot


This award honors the person or company that has launched an innovative product or service. This could be a national launch or a pilot. The size isn't important, it is the innovation we want to recognize.

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